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Research Opportunities Within Our Organizations

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Academic Master Research Project

Our work has much greater value when conducted as part of a bigger project. All of our students are invited to be a part of this, and their studies become a recognized part of a Personal Master Research and Development Project. We encourage anyone who is serious about learning about our industry and furthering its reach worldwide to be part of our Master Research Project.

ISI-CNV is a part of the CAIRN academic consortium. CAIRN recognizes involvement in our research projects and this will give you credits towards their doctorate or certification courses. The CAIRN doctorate is based in Nepal. Cairn has a list of about 30 professors that endorse these prokects in manydifferent countries.

International Network for Knowledge (Euro-Asian Academic Research Netyowrk in Higher Practical Mental Sciences)

Neurosciences - Tibetan Mysticism - Scientific Hypnosis - Western and Oriental Esoteric Paths of Power and Therapy

We are the only institution with an international curriculum aimed at researchers and students achieving the highest levels of mental sciences. We are open to admit involvement from other institutes or schools providing similar ojectives as us. Our units are based in Europe and Asia (Nepal). These are in turn based upon the International Academic Euroasiatic Network for research

Opening a Chapter in Your Country

If you are serious about becoming involved in the research project, you also have the option to open a branch/chapter in your own country.This will be fully endorsed and supported by our organizations, and could take form as...

  • A research chapter
  • An operative chapter
  • Or both

A research chapter contributes to the research work of the school, and can be endorsed by CAIRN as well as our school. An operative branch organizes courses and participates in the activities of the institute

To be the head of a chapter you must first be a Mentor. A mentor is someone with specific qualities and experiences in the field for which they are operating and have a full knowledge of all techniques. 'Mentor' was the name of the person to which Ulisses gave his son Telemacus before one of his long travels. But 'Mentori' is also the form that the goddes Athena takes in various moments of the Odissey (Athena is Minerva in Latin, goddess of intelligence but also eponim of wisdom).

Expanding our Magnetic Chain

When you complete our Magnetic Path and then go on to create a branch or a chapter you can then be part of expanding our 'magnetic chain'. In quantum terms the 'magnetic chain' is an entanglement between the members of a group. This essentially means that we observe certain phenomena when more persons work together on the same issue.

These effects have been also studied and labeled as 'morphic field': The morphic fields include all kinds of organizing fields like animal and human behaviour, social and cultural systems, and of mental activity. These are all regarded as morphic fields which contain an inherent memory.

According to the essential uses, customs and traditions of Magnetism (in particular Hermetic orders), which have been scrupulously preserved by our lineage, a recognized branch has the power to make and develop teachings about magnetism. These must only be according to the lineages that we preserve, and all groups that continue them inside the so called 'magnetic chain'.

There are some specific points that are set for a group to be considered as regular in working with magnetism:

  1. Not taking political or religious dogmatic point of view
  2. Preserve and study the tradition respecting it and staying obviously in the lineage
  3. Develop the work of presence
  4. Divulge with respect to the discipline and of the other fellows practitioners
  5. Adhere to the vaster group